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Just Me and the Bike

Volume i Episode Three Larry’s Somewhere Under the Rainbow Motorcycle Adventure Before the ride, I was wondering if I would spend much of my focus on the overwhelming scenery and my relationship with the bike or the flood of feelings that I am now experiencing....

Up and Over

The rest break ended this morning. After getting to Yosemite Lakes late Wednesday, I avoided looking at the motorcycle most of Thursday and didn’t want to think about it until today. Got up and did my usual sit, peeking at the time until the excruciating 25 minutes...

The Longest Day

Volume I Episode II Larry’s Somewhere Under the Rainbow Motorcycle Adventure I have just had an unbelievably long day. The night before, I spent a glorious evening in the Berkeley Inn. When you walk into a telephone booth sized lobby and there is an unpleasant...

The Plane The Plane

Yes, I know the entry before this was kind of hurried and there was no reason to think another one would be on the way so soon. I am sitting in the absolute last row on this flight. It is so far back, the gasp of rushing water each time the toilets inhale, is right...

Last Chance

Did you ever think about doing something off in the future? Your mind can conjure up all sorts of possibilities, safe from a time yet to pass. I have been planning my motorcycle ride on the mainland for nearly a year and today the plan ends and the adventure begins....