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A couple of mornings ago, I left the house to head into the Kauai Beer Co, an unconscious routine grown tired. The sky was an unblemished turquoise and the warmth felt like a loving embrace. Instantly, the plans changed. I pulled the sheet off Flaming Lips, flipped my...

A Spurious Species and Myopic Modernity

You know, usually a title is supposed to describe the story that follows, but in this instance, I have chosen to travel in the opposite direction. Actually, I am hoping that by the time we get to the end of this mini-diatribe, I will have made sense of the terribly...

What The Hell Are We Doing?

“It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may...

In Remembrance With Love

Last Thursday afternoon, I was recording my weekly podcast, my demented take on the news. I always close with a poem, because I feel they embody the power of the word, leaving silent spaces for us to fill in, a deeply, personal internal landscape, uniquely our own....


I gotta tell you, I never thought this story was going to turn out this way. Over the course of a few days, it has come to life with a kind of depth and dimension I never imagined. Let’s start at the beginning. Out of the blue, I decided to initiate a conversation...