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A couple of days ago, I decided to walk the writer’s plank and not return. The Admiral of Creativity put a blank page to my head and forced me to jump into the Sea of Spontaneity. It is pretty simple, it felt like time to just sit down someplace and start writing, without any plan, beyond the idea of doing it.

I am more at home with my internal world and feel more comfortable describing it.  I was certain that whatever I ended up doing for this little adventure, it would be about something that’s been on my mind.

th-1This morning, I thought about Adam and Eve and why things got screwed up in Eden.  God was pretty clear about staying away from that damn apple tree, but the serpent sweet talked Eve into glomming one and she shared it with her beau, the Big A. I think it was some kind of choice between the mind and the spirit, knowledge over faith, certainty over mystery. Their landlord was pissed and they were served with eviction papers. I think God had some ego driven expectation that we would certainly want to emulate him, rather than getting enmeshed in a web of wanting to know everything there is to know, a losing proposition in my estimation.

This is where our story begins. It is the search for our souls and why we may not be as smart as we think we are.  I believe that all religions are filled with parables and we need to be discerning.  When that apple got shared, it meant that our minds would overrule our spirit, especially when it really mattered and that was God’s caution to the kids in the Garden and it has come true.

I would have to begin with electricity as the true game changer, because it allowed information to travel quickly and I think it is our King Kong Apple and not really that long ago in the history our species.  It was the beginning of everything moving  faster than ever before in our evolution and on our planet.

Apparently, our brains are just large enough for us to be pretty intelligent and we instinctively know how to indulge in intellectual gluttony without thinking of consequences. We are addicted to progress, which is never about preserving things as they are, rather it is about forcing nature to conform to our immediate needs. Those with the least, pay the highest price for this lopsided idea, countries and their people.

Since Edison’s techno-boner, we have been on a trajectory that is so steep and so fast; we have been running after it and slowly losing the race. There is no time to talk about ethics or consequences. You know, the fact that you can do something doesn’t automatically mean you ought to.

Adam traded in the all-natural leaf cup for a grey flannel suit and ping ponged around Madison Avenue, coming up with ways to tell people what they couldn’t live without. God Bless Eve, it was a bitch for her, no pun intended.  Her instructions had a lot do with subjugation and denial and she still isn’t where she deserves to be.  However, whom did God choose to go to about the whole apple business? He knew he didn’t stand a chance with Adam, but with Eve, at least he had a shot.

When we fell from the lushness of the Garden to the paved streets of knowledge, the computer would inevitably become the flower of our intelligence.  Man, imagine if we can replicate the mind and inject it with steroids, so it can think way faster than we do? We want to know everything. I worry we will be victims of our intellectual greed and our humanity will be the casualty. There are so many troubling signs already.

Well, that’s what’s on my mind this morning.